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Stage 1 Water Conservation Alert

 Governor Brown has declared a Drought State of Emergency and is calling upon Californians to voluntarily reduce water use by 20 percent.

In response to Governor Brown, McKinney Water District is asking all residents to voluntarily reduce their water usage by using water as efficiently as possible.  We feel the following measures listed below can significantly reduce our water consumption.   For a more detailed explanation of the Stage 1 Water Conservation Guidelines, please reference Ordinance 2010-2, General Policies and Standards, Water Conservation on our website.  

  • ·Restrictions on Irrigation During Times of Day - Landscaping, lawns and open ground must not be watered between the hours of 10am and 4pm and at no time when it is raining, snowing or when the air temperature is less that 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Repair of all water leaks-  Any leak in plumbing and or irrigation systems shall be repaired when found, but in any case within ten to thirty days of notice by the District to repair.
  • Water Runoff – Use of potable water which results in flooding or runoff in gutters, streets or onto adjacent property is not allowed.
  • Vehicle Wash – Automatic shutoff valves or nozzles will be used whenever a hose is used for cleaning vehicles, boats and/or campers.
  • Cleaning of Surfaces – Automatic shutoff valves or nozzles will be used whenever a hose is used for cleaning or clearing walkways, patios, decks, windows, driveways, parking areas or other improved areas, whether pave or unpaved.
  • Construction Water – All water hoses in connection with any construction activity shall be equipped with an automatic shutoff nozzle.
  •  Winterization of Irrigation Systems – Operation of irrigation systems shall be discontinued and properly winterized by November 1st every year or earlier depending on temperatures.
  • Landscape Irrigation Controls on New Construction Irrigation Systems – Any new irrigation systems installed, in conjunction with new construction or complete reconstruction, within the district must be equipped with rain sensing devices that will halt irrigation after a specified rainfall, and/or moisture sensors that use a probe in the soil to monitor soil water content, and/or freeze sensor that turn off sprinkler valves when the temperature drops below a preset level.


  • State Model Landscape Ordinance – All resident new construction shall conform with the requirement of the State of CA Model Landscape Ordinance, Title 23, Div. 2, CA Code of Regulations, Chapter 2.7 or applicable local ordinances superseding the State Ordinance.
  • Indiscriminate Use – Owners/Users shall not use water in a manner that is wasteful and without reasonable purpose.

We thank all our owners/users for the steps you have already taken to conserve water.  Please keep up the good work.